Safeguarding Scholarship and Research in (Emerging) Autocracies

Online 25 February 15:00-18:00 UK time


In light of rapidly developing events SciBeh is organising an online workshop to support scholars affected by threats to research and academic work in (emerging) autocracies. Our goal for the first workshop is to help affected colleagues build support systems to exchange strategies and coping mechanisms for dealing with potential threats to their academic research and scholarly work.

The workshop takes place on Tuesday, 25 February 15:00-18:00 UK time (16:00-19:00 CET, 10 am - 1 pm EST, 7 am - 10 am PST). A link to the event will be made available to registrants before the meeting.

The goals of this workshop are:

  • Share information on how to build secure networks of communication
  • Raise awareness of various strategies to cope with threats to academic work based on accounts of individuals with previous experience
  • Brainstorm potential actions to safeguard research and academics under threat

The workshop will be highly interactive to give attendees a chance to exchange ideas and build networks.

List of contributors

The discussions will be started by short presentations from:

  • Stephan LewandowskyUniversity of Bristol

    Introductory Comments

  • Partha Das ChowdhuryUniversity of Bristol

    Internet Security

  • Tobias Fiebig - Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik

    Computing in the cloud and academic freedom

  • Henrik SchönemannHumboldt University

    Safeguarding Research and Culture

  • Barry MauerUniversity of Central Florida

    Overview of Critical Work Under Tyranny

  • Péter KrekoEotvos Lorand University of Sciences/Central European University Democracy Institute

    Reflections from Hungary

  • Vera KempeAbertay University

    Reflections from the USSR and the GDR

  • Dorothy BishopUniversity of Oxford

    Decision to Dissent

  • Christina PagelUniversity College London

    Science Communication Under Adversity

The discussion will not be recorded.

We hope this workshop can build the foundations for ongoing initiatives and ongoing fora to discuss how to safeguard threatened scholarship and research.



Please register using this link registration form (Your registration data will be held in a UK institutional account that is compliant with GDPR.)


send the following information to lewan.60 on Signal including your full name, preferred email, and a URL of your scholarly profile (this can be e.g., an institutional webpage, Google scholar, ORCID, own webpage). Your data will be encrypted and stored locally only. Signal is considered to be the most secure messaging app currently available.

Organization committee

  • Stephan Lewandowsky
  • Ulrike Hahn
  • Vera Kempe
  • Dawn Holford
  • Ezequiel Lopez-Lopez
  • Christoph Abels
  • SciBeh Team